MINUTES OF MEETING BARTRAM PARK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Bartram Park Community Development District was held on Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. at the offices of England-Thims & Miller, Inc, 14775 Old St. Augustine Road, Jacksonville, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: James Griffith Chairman Trisston Brown Vice Chairman Don Smith Supervisor Also present were: Jim Oliver District Manager, GMS Tucker Mackie by phone District Counsel, Kutak Rock FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Oliver called the meeting to order. There were three members of the Board present at the meeting constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment There were no members of the public present. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Organizational Matters A. Appointment of New Supervisor to Fill Unexpired Term of Office (11/2026) B. Oath of Office for Newly Appointed Supervisor C. Election of Officers, Resolution 2024-02 Mr. Oliver stated noted that this item was on the agenda to fill a vacancy due to the resignation of Pat Evert. There are no candidates at this time and no action was taken on this item. This item will be tabled until the next regularly scheduled Board of Supervisors meeting. Docusign Envelope ID: 96DAE500-B1C7-4DA3-A563-E7F8F2FAFCD0 April 24, 2024 Bartram Park CDD 2 FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes of the January 24, 2024 Meeting Mr. Oliver presented the minutes of the January 24, 2024 Board of Supervisors meeting and asked for any comments, corrections, or questions. The Board had no changes to the minutes and Mr. Oliver asked for a motion of approval. On MOTION by Mr. Griffith, seconded by Mr. Smith, with all in favor, the January 24, 2024 Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes, were approved. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Memorandum Regarding Annual Ethics Training & Annual Form 1 Filing Mr. Oliver reminded the Board that ethics training is now a statutory requirement that will need to be completed by the end of the year. Counsel noted that there are “clickable” links attached to the memorandum for the Board’s convenience that will lead them to the information referenced in the memo that will be helpful. When the Board fills out their Form 1 requirements in 2025, they will note that they fulfilled the ethics training there. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Presentation of Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget Mr. Oliver presented the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2025 and stated that there is a copy of the proposed budget in the agenda packet. The assessments will not be changing from $33.75 from the previous year and there is no need to send notice to residents because of that. Mr. Oliver summarized the budget for the Board and then offered to answer any Board questions. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2024-03, Approving the Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget and Setting a Public Hearing Date for Adoption Mr. Oliver presented the resolution and suggested the hearing date for July 24, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. at the current location. There being no Board questions, there was a motion of approval Docusign Envelope ID: 96DAE500-B1C7-4DA3-A563-E7F8F2FAFCD0 April 24, 2024 Bartram Park CDD 3 On MOTION by Mr. Griffith, seconded by Mr. Brown, with all in favor, Resolution 2024-03 Approving the Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget and Setting a Public Hearing Date for Adoption, was approved. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business Mr. Oliver stated that he had no other business. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Ms. Mackie had nothing further for the Board and offered to answer any question. There being no questions, the next item followed. B. Engineer There being no comments, the next item followed. C. Manager – 2024 General Elections Mr. Oliver stated that this is a general election year meaning Seats 1, 3, and 5 will be up for general election. The qualifying period with the Supervisor of Elections runs from June 10th through June 14th from noon to noon on those dates. Mr. Oliver suggested that Board members contact the Supervisor of Elections in advance to make it a quicker process. Mr. Oliver will confirm the seats up for reelection and circle back with the correct information. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments Mr. Oliver stated there are no members of the public present today. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests Mr. Brown asked if his name could be updated on the CDD website and Mr. Oliver will have that fixed. Docusign Envelope ID: 96DAE500-B1C7-4DA3-A563-E7F8F2FAFCD0 April 24, 2024 Bartram Park CDD 4 TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Financial Reports A. Balance Sheet and Statement of Revenues & Expenditures for the Period Ending March 31, 2024 Mr. Oliver stated the financial reports are in the agenda through March 31st and noted that there are no unusual variances. B. Assessment Receipt Schedules Mr. Oliver stated the Assessment Receipt Schedule shows they are 99% collected. C. Approval of Check Register Mr. Oliver presented the check register and noted it is in the agenda packet for review. With no Board questions, he asked for a motion of approval. On MOTION by Mr. Griffith, seconded by Mr. Brown, with all in favor, the Check Register, was approved. THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Scheduled Meeting – July 24, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. @ England-Thims & Miller Mr. Oliver stated the next meeting will be next year July 24th at 11:00 at Bartram Springs Amenity Center at 14530 East Cherry Lake Dr., Jacksonville, Florida. FOURTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On MOTION by Mr. Griffith, seconded by Mr. Smith, with all in favor, the Meeting was adjourned. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman Docusign Envelope ID: 96DAE500-B1C7-4DA3-A563-E7F8F2FAFCD0